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Wednesday, 22 June 2011

She Says~~~♥


只要能在夜里 翻来覆去的时候有寄托

等不到天黑 烟火不会太完美
回忆烧成灰 还是等不到结尾
她曾说的无所谓 我怕一天一天被摧毁

等不到天黑 不敢凋谢的花蕾
绿叶在跟随 放开刺痛的滋味
今后不再怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒
不怕天明 我想只是害怕清醒



Thursday, 9 June 2011

H0liday~!! x]

H0liday....wuho0...!!! x]

  an extremely enj0yable h0liday with Queen~!!

The h0liday r alm0st cum to the end ald~

this h0liday I spend al0t 0f time with my l0vely Queen~^^

s0 enj0y~~kaka~xD

I meet her alm0st everday~~

happy happy~~x]

we did many thing during this h0liday~~

we went to jog~

we ate breakfast 2gether~

we play at the playgr0ud~

we wash m0tor n car~

And my baby 0so sh0w mii her baby time pictures~^^

s0 cute~~><

I saw a secret~><

tat's one of the pic is naked 1~!!

[ juz baby time har~~~dun misunderstand 0h~xD ]

shy shy l0h~~kakax~~xD

We 0s0 went watch Gh0st m0vie~

tat is a malay gh0st m0vie~><


The st0ry is ab0ut 5 teenagers fr0m KL they wan t0 go Kelantan..

They caught in a traffic jam~

s0 they ch00se an "0ld r0ad'' went t0 their destinati0n...

They past a small t0wnn tat's [Karak]

In the j0urney they meet al0t of mysteries thgs...

and s0 0n........................

This is the 1st time we watch gh0st m0vie 2gether~~

She was s0 scare~~~

and I was keep on c0mf0rt her...


I was scare to0~!!!! 


bt as a b0yfren I must pr0tect my girl rite?

so tat was a gud chance t0 let me sh0w out my ''man p0wer''


My Queen~

I'm really enj0y in this h0liday...

Im enj0y the time we spend 2gether~

thx 0h~^^

n0 matter wat thg we d0..

if eu be my side..tat's sure bcum 0ur l0ve mem0ries~

I can dwn everthing...bt I juz wan eu be mine~!!

I really l0ve eu s0 much...

I l0ve eu. 4ever and ever.....My Queen 

By~~IsaaC [Ur King]

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